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What Is An Onlay

When your teeth have developed cavities there are a number of solutions for cleaning out the decay, filling them in, and sealing them against future issues while restoring the shape and function of the teeth. One such solution is the dental restoration known as an onlay, a form of pre-molded restoration that is applied to the surface of your teeth to restore their biting surface and structural integrity. This treatment can be used to restore not just the function of your teeth, but also the appearance as the material used can be tinted to match your natural color.

Preparing For An Onlay Treatment

Onlays are created prior to their being applied to your teeth, requiring an impression to be taken to design it so it will be a perfect fit. The preparation for these inlays requires that they cavity be cleaned of all decay, and any damaged areas need to be smoothed down and made ready to receive the new restoration. A mold is taken after this part of the process that will be used to make the onlay, and a temporary onlay is put on to protect the tooth while the permanent one is under construction. The onlay typically is returned in just over a week.

Caring For Your Temporary Onlay

It’s important that you’re careful with your temporary onlay, as they aren’t as durable as your permanent restoration can be. Temporary restorations are at risk of falling out if not treated with care, resulting in the interior of your tooth being exposed which can be quite painful. The temporary restoration isn’t suitable for long term repair, so it is essential that you make the appointment to have them replaced with the permanent version.

The Benefits Of Receiving an Onlay

Onlays are an incredible renovation option for those hoping to restore the natural beauty of their teeth after having experienced an injury or decay to their teeth. Thanks to the malleable nature of the material used to create an onlay, they are able to perfectly mimic the natural appearance of your teeth, including the slightly transparent appearance. They can even tint them to perfectly match your natural appearance, making the restoration practically invisible. Receiving your onlay requires two visits to your dentist, one in preparation for the onlay, the other to have the permanent one applied. Your dentist will tell you what may be necessary for your treatment.

If you’ve been considering getting onlays done and want to know if they’re the right restoration treatment for your oral health condition, contact your dentist find out. If you’re looking for a new dentist in the Walnut Park, CA area then you may consider giving the Alondra Dental Associates a call and make an appointment with Dr. Alireza Movassaghi today. During your appointment, you’ll receive a cleaning and exam, as well as a consultation where you can determine what the best path forward is for great oral health. Don’t let damaged or decayed teeth make you afraid to share your smile with the world, call for an appointment today.

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